Impromptu Family Photos are the BEST! [Clarksville Family Photographer]
This photo session was so much fun, albeit, a bit chaotic! You see, it was a beautiful day, and I wanted to take some photos of me with my munchkin at this fun location I had found. I was talking with Heather (the beautiful momma here) and invited her to come along since I knew Theo loves her little girl Jaylee, and their main man had just returned home from a nine month deployment (aka time for some new fam photos!).
I showed up wearing a long dress, with my toddler and my fluffy pup in tow (I’ll share those photos in my next post HERE), and somehow managed to still take photos (even while holding back said toddler and dog from photo bombing their session!). It was actually super fun (yes, a little crazy though!), but we were all laughing and enjoying the night together. Enjoy my faves from their session below!